วันจันทร์ที่ 12 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 9

This week I learnt about Computer Assisted Language Learning and English Language Teaching in Thailand: Overview. It was about applying CALL in Thailand. The main purpose was to improve or develop the learner's competence. So, the teachers had to pay attention to improve ELT (English language teaching) in Thailand. Moreover, I learnt about how to use Adobe Captivate 8 because we use this program to build our CALL next class.

Learning Log 8

This week, I learnt about Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL). CALL refer to "the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning". CALL aims to find ways for using computers for the purpose of teaching and learning the language. After that, I learned about kinds of CAI. They were seven kinds.

Tutorial instruction was the program that gave the content to students in text, picture, audio, and all of them. After that, students had to answer the questions and they would have a feedback when the finished the task.
 Drills and practice was the program that had only questions or problems to the students to solve them.
Simulation was the program that simulate situation from the truth to practise skills to the students.
Instructional games was the program that encourage students to learn the lesson.

Discovery was the program that wanted students learned from their experience.

Problem-solving was the program that wanted students to think and decide to do something.

Tests was the program that tested the student's knowledge.

Good point of CALL
ü Time save
ü It more interesting
ü Students can learn whenever/wherever
ü computer can keep a lot of information
Bad point of CALL

ü Have to spend time to design.

Learning Log 7

This week, the teacher checked our pair work about parallel concordance in Thai language. I learnt about “false friend”. It is words in two languages (or letters in two alphabets) that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning. For example
In English "smart" means เท่ห์
In Thai "smart" means ฉลาด

Moreover, this day we presented the article about Applying Innovative Spirit to Multimedia Foreign Language Teaching. As a newly-emerged modern foreign language teaching form, multimedia foreign language teaching waits for the test of time. Without any problem in itself, its success depends on whether language teachers are initiative or not, whether they can fully exert the advantages of multimedia teaching to find and solve problems. As long as they deepen their research, sum up experiences and improve teaching methods constantly, multimedia will bring about more positive changes to foreign language teaching and therefore greater achievements will be made in our foreign language teaching.

Learning Log 6

       This week, I learnt about how to use antconc and made my special corpus named desserts. The teacher taught me to give the topic of the information that I collected. I searched some words in my antconc and it showed me concordances.  Moreover, I could learn both left and right side from the word I searched. Then, teacher taught me to use English-Thai parallel corpora online from the link http://www.arts.chula.ac.th/~ling/ParaConc/

Learning Log 5

This week, teacher thought me about how to find the use word in Corpus lead. When I wanted to find some word, I could type it in this program and the information appeared. Then, I learnt about software corpus; antconc, wordsmith, and paraconc. Teacher taught me to build my corpus. I had to collect all the information in Notepad. The file type would be .txt. In addition, the antconc program showed me how many words I got into my notepad. I had to get more than 30,000 words into my notepad.

Learning Log 4

Today I learned about Corpus Linguistics by Dr. Kriangkrai Vathanalaoha. First,I learnt the meaning of corpus. It was a collection of word and a theory or methodology of language. Corpus was created since 1897. It was around 19th - early 20th century. The first corpus wrote about child diaries. It also had two cases; The case for introspection showed that language performance was biased because real life is biased. In contrast, the case for empiricism showed that introspective data was observable. Then, I learnt about Types of corpus. There we re seven types of corpus
1. Special Corpus: It was a specific information.
2. General Corpus: It was broad and large words of spoken and written British English.
3. Mutilingual Corpus: It added Spanish or American English and Indian English.
4. Parallel Corpus: It was a translate text from English language to another language.
5. Learner Corpus: Language use crated by people learning a particular language.
6. Historical or Diachronic Corpus: 1.5 million words of text from 700AD - 1700AD.
7. Monitor Corpus: Continually being added to.

Moreover, I learnt about process in Corpus Linguistics. Corpus could told about frequencies of word that I wanted to know how did it used, collocation, distribution information, keywords, and dispersion plots. Finally, I knew corpus was a useful material that the students or teachers could use to collect the information to apply to their studying or teaching.

Learning Log 3

This week, I joined the seminar in my major which was about Linguistics and language Teaching .The lecturer is Professor Dr.Budsaba Kanoksilapatham from English Department, Faculty of Art, Silpakorn University. I learnt many useful things from her. First, she told about skills that a teacher need to have. There are Teaching methods/pedagogy and Linguistic competence.  I learnt a way to pronounce the letter “h”, consonant sounds (think, thank, them, the) and vowel sounds (guess, said, bread, friend, full-fool, back-bag). Next, I did the pre-test examination about intonation. Then, the lecturer showed me how to stress the words from the pre-test examination such as the words character, ceremony, amaze, catastrophe, evaluation, or hippopotamus, etc. In addition, I learnt a collocations such as economic crisis, red rose, black and white, etc. I learnt Pragmatics that was cross cultural pragmatics. After that, I knew about sociolinguistics that was using language in the different situation such as Hi! What's up? vs Good morning!  Next, I learnt about lexical semantics.  I could identify the semantics, which was American English and British English. For instance, eraser, pants, apartment are NAmE but rubber, trousers, flat are BrE. Moreover, I knew the meaning of some word such as astound is stronger than surprise. I learned Discourse which liked the pattern in English and Corpus which had a lot of important and useful information for teachers. Importantly, I could apply all of the information from Professor Dr.Budsaba Kanoksilapatham to develop my English skills and and be a good English teacher in the future.

Learning Log 2

Today I learnt to create a blog from last week. Then, I learnt about how to add gadgets on my blog. I could add many gadgets such as a clock, a calendar, counter, QR code, and video. In addition, teacher told me how to get code from the internet and put it into the gadget on my blog. Then, I learned to create a list of links to all the friends in my room.


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