วันจันทร์ที่ 12 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 3

This week, I joined the seminar in my major which was about Linguistics and language Teaching .The lecturer is Professor Dr.Budsaba Kanoksilapatham from English Department, Faculty of Art, Silpakorn University. I learnt many useful things from her. First, she told about skills that a teacher need to have. There are Teaching methods/pedagogy and Linguistic competence.  I learnt a way to pronounce the letter “h”, consonant sounds (think, thank, them, the) and vowel sounds (guess, said, bread, friend, full-fool, back-bag). Next, I did the pre-test examination about intonation. Then, the lecturer showed me how to stress the words from the pre-test examination such as the words character, ceremony, amaze, catastrophe, evaluation, or hippopotamus, etc. In addition, I learnt a collocations such as economic crisis, red rose, black and white, etc. I learnt Pragmatics that was cross cultural pragmatics. After that, I knew about sociolinguistics that was using language in the different situation such as Hi! What's up? vs Good morning!  Next, I learnt about lexical semantics.  I could identify the semantics, which was American English and British English. For instance, eraser, pants, apartment are NAmE but rubber, trousers, flat are BrE. Moreover, I knew the meaning of some word such as astound is stronger than surprise. I learned Discourse which liked the pattern in English and Corpus which had a lot of important and useful information for teachers. Importantly, I could apply all of the information from Professor Dr.Budsaba Kanoksilapatham to develop my English skills and and be a good English teacher in the future.

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